Any and all material posted on Sheppard’s Pie ( is protected under the Creative Commons copyright license, per my specifications below.

Listen, you hungry hippos. If you like what I’m serving (and I’m not sure why you would), enjoy it here. Every individual post, sentence, and phrase that I type on the Sheppard’s Pie website is copyrighted. Stealing my work and plagiarizing my material is against the law.

Under the Creative Commons license, you are only allowed to reference, quote, or share excerpts from my blog under the condition that you give me direct credit for said work in the form of adding my link immediately following said excerpt, reference, or quote AFTER asking for and receiving my written consent. (Permissions may be granted via email pending my reply and specified conditions).


Lol this is a hilarious excerpt from Becca Switzer’s Sheppard’s Pie at that I thought I would share with you all:  “Looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger “jingled all the way” with his former housekeeper. The baby was not only kept, but kept a secret for 10 long years. ” 

I do not collaborate or “help” anyone else write or create a blog or journal of any kind. Using my material, whether it is a direct quote or reference is illegal, and I will hunt you down. Copying entire blogs and posting them in your own domain and/or impersonating me is also an offense and is prohibited. Doing so is theft of intellectual property and plagiarism.

Thanks for stopping by. Wipe your mouths.

Side note: many of the photos I use in each post are simply images I found on Google. I do not claim to have created or taken any of those photos. Credit for these photographs goes to the original owners. Also, quotations at the end of each post are usually from movies, television shows, books, other blogs, or random conversations between friends. These are also not necessarily my own original material. Thank you.

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